If you think your site is running slowly, consider the following:
- Overdrive sites default to the East Coast of the USA region, if you are nearer to Europe, ask us to switch to our European region.
- Consider reducing the number of levels users can see in the top menu bar. To do this, go to Template Designer > Advanced. Under Menu Bar > Sub Levels reduce the number of levels.
- You may have too many folders - Overdrive needs to keep folders in sync and this can slow the site down. Consider multiple sites - you only pay for the users, you don't pay per site.
- If you have a Google Sheet embedded on a page and it takes a long time to load, consider whether the sheet can be edited to have fewer rows or columns. You should also set up Paging (Page Size) so that data loads as it is needed.
- If the folder content on your site doesn't need to be refreshed all the time, there is a caching option that will speed up page loads. To enable caching, go to a page with folder content and click the Pencil to open Page Builder. Hover over the folder tile and click the small cog that appears to open Tile Settings. Make sure the Caching option checkbox is ticked.