Create a web page from the content of a Google Sheet, including the ability to directly embed any columns - making it easy to summarise content from a larger sheet - so users only see the data that they need to.
Set Up
Select the sheet you wish to embed and customise it with the settings below.
The default is All Sheets, this will show all your sheets (tabs) within the selected Spreadsheet. Alternatively, you can choose which Sheet (tab) you wish to embed.
The default is Framed which will show your sheet in a frame exactly as it is in Google Sheets, you can then choose to show it in Read Only or Edit Mode (see below).
If you want to create a web page from the selected Sheet, change the View to Embedded. This will take the content of your Sheet and store it as html on the site, you can use the settings below to change the way your tile or page looks.
Only available if your View is Framed.
- Read Only - shows the sheet without any top menu, users can choose Switch to Edit mode (if they have access) via the Page Menu
- Edit - shows the sheet with all menus (you can uncheck Show Menus to remove these)
The settings below are only available if your view is Embedded.
- Preserve Formatting - use the Google Sheet formatting, eg cell and font colors; font formats and sizes. Choose which formatting to keep/remove.
Use the table options to format your Sheet
- Bordered - add a border to your embedded sheet
- Condensed - condense the rows in the sheet
- Full Width - make the sheet full width
- Striped - add a stripe to every other row for ease of viewing
- Hover - add a stripe when the viewer hovers over each row
- Sort - make each column sortable - viewers can click on the column headers to sort by that column
- Filter - add a filter box at the top of the sheet so viewers can filter the data
- Responsive - adds a hover showing the columns that don't fit the screen width
- Click to view - user can click on each row to open a pop up showing all data from the Sheet row
TIP: Sheets are usually wide, to maximise your screen space use a full width tile and disable subnav on a page with a Sheet embed - go to
Page Settings > General and uncheck Show Subnav. Or consider setting your whole site to
Full Width in
Template Designer.
Page Size
Select Paging - adds paging to your page if you have too many rows to fit the screen size
Order By
If you have checked Sort from the Tables section above you can choose a sort order for your embedded sheet. Click the Arrow to change between Descending and Ascending.
You can freeze the first 1 - 4 rows of your sheet and the last 1 - 4 rows; you can also freeze the first 1 - 4 columns. The last row of the Header freeze will be the "header" for sorting purposes.
Choose to allow users to select which columns they wish to see and add front end functionality including the ability to copy to clipboard, print the sheet or save as a pdf.
Advanced Tabs
- Columns - choose which columns are visible, set the sort order and add grouping to your Sheet
- Filters - add powerful filters to the top of your sheet, or to the filter menu, you can also add an initial filter to be applied when the page opens
- Click to view - set which data shows in a pop up when a row is clicked. Using this feature alongside the Visible Columns allows you to take a large sheet and condense it to show key data on a page with more data appearing when each row is clicked. Users can navigate each row and view the data via the pop up.