To add more users to your Overdrive site:
- open the Site Menu
- choose User Settings
- click the Add Users button
- add user email addresses line by line, or paste in a list
- choose a Role for the users
- Viewer - users will be able to view content but not edit it or add to it (this requires a Viewer licence only)
- Editor - give the user the ability to add and edit content (requires an Editor licence). Editors can then be allocated further Admin roles:
- Page Settings - give the user the ability to access Page Settings on each page
- User Settings - give the user the ability to access User Settings to add and edit users
- Site Settings - give the user the ability to access Site Settings
- If you have set any Overdrive Groups you can add users to them
- choose whether to send an invitation email to each user.
Once created, it may take time for some of the information to sync from Google - this info is not editable. You can edit each user to give them permission to change settings on your site (Site Settings) or make changes to a page (Page Settings).
Share the Content
Depending on the Security Setting you have chosen, the invited user will either see the whole of your site (Access All Areas) or only the folders you have given them access to in Drive (Google Drive). To open and view/edit any files each user will need to have the relevant access in Drive, if the user does not have access the file will open with a Request Access option.
For more information on Users, visit Reference/User Settings.